
The Art Of Not Being Alone (True Story)

There isn’t anything worse than a bully. To dread something in your future that seems inevitable. It makes you feel, at times, alone in this world, like no one cares. All because you’re different, You laugh a certain way, and how you look.. None f it is fair. But remember that you’re not alone. You have friends, a community, a world, that can and will help you. Just because schools now a days don’t care anymore about bullying, doesn’t mean that no one else will listen. I was bullied when I was little and my own parents didn’t believe any of the stories I was telling them, and I had no family and no friends at the time outside of my parents and little sister. I didn’t think anyone cared about me. But one kid, one day, came up to me and just listened to me. I was so bullied and picked on that I was depressed, that I thought the world would be better off without me. And having that one friend, who didn’t have to listen or worry about me, made a huge change in my life. I was much happier from then on. So please, if there is any way possible that I could help or if you want to talk about it then please go ahead.


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